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Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage focuses on tense and stressed-out muscles but also helps impact your emotional wellbeing.  This nurturing touch therapy involves the whole of you and may affect all levels, including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.


Massage in essence is a sensitive communication through the medium of touch, by placing my hands on your body a range of physiological responses can occur, affecting your skin, sensory nerve receptors, muscle tissue, circulation of blood and lymph, and ease of movement of joints and digestion.


Emotional Felt Sensations

Our emotions are also body felt sensations and we can experience both positive and negative feelings, such as happiness and joy as well as anger, fear, guilt and shame.  These emotions can give your body a physical response such as tension, discomfort and pain. You can also experience these physical sensation as a result of a situation you have previously experienced.


Holistic massage may include:


  • Classical Swedish techniques such as effleurage; petrissage, kneading, friction and wringing; 
  • Percussion techniques such as hacking, cupping, pummeling, plucking and brushing; 
  • Gentle hand holds, drawing on healing traditions and an awareness of the human energy field. This may extend to working off the physical body in the human aura;


Using the above techniques and adapting the depth, speed and intention involved in the touch, helps to stimulate the body's response. 


Holistic healing acknowledges

how you feel emotionally 

and how it also impacts your physical state


I will adapt the session to your unique needs, physical characteristics and personality.

Possible Benefits:

  • Physical improvements such as relaxing tight muscles, improvements to circulation, nervous function and joint mobility; this may help to ease ailments, such as back pain, arthritis and insomnia.
  • Reducing stress, one of the main causes of disease in our society. As well as addressing stress factors, holistic massage can facilitate the switch between sympathetic and autonomic nervous systems, hence allowing both body and mind valuable recuperation time.
  • Emotionally, massage can provide the caring non-intrusive touch; soothe the busy mind, reduce stress and enhance self esteem.
  • At a deeper level still, massage can release the personal history stored in body tissues; this can lead to powerful changes in our energy and provide a vital and chemical ingredient in each persons process of growth.
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