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Orthopody and Sportsflex

Specialist form of Reflexology that aims to assist the rebalancing of Musculo-Skeletal integrity via Muscle Chains and Fascia which may have been compromised and impacted by issues such as trauma & injury, from exercise, sport or a fall, but also from postural habits and mobility issues.

Fascia - The Forgotten System


Fascia is widely being recognised as an incredibly important Body System in its own right!


Fascia is crucial to whole body communication, force transmission, immune function, proprioception, co-ordination and support of the body.


MusculoSkeletal strength and elasticity are often compromised and impacted by issues such as trauma & injury, be that from exercise, sport or a fall, but also from the less obvious things like poor postural habits, the weakening and atrophy of muscles from lack of movement, post operative impact on muscles and fascia, or most commonly, stress and tension.


All these factors create inflammation and imbalance which communicates and travels through the length of Muscle Chains and Fascia Tissue.


Accepted anatomical theory states there are eight Muscle & Fascia (MyoFascial) Chains and twelve associated Meridial Tension lines which are integral in the strong and stable framework of the body. (Tomas W. Myers, 2014)


By re-balancing the fascia, muscles and structures within these Chains, the body is able to return to its optimal integrity of strength, elasticity, capability and importantly, range of movement.


SportsFlex is a series of techniques that are specific to sport related injuries.


he method treats not only the injury site but also the whole myocontinuum fascia within the body – that’s the chain of muscles connective tissue and ligaments.


This approach acknowledges and works on the whole interconnected body. It also treats the adrenal glands to activate the body’s pain relief mechanism and concentrates on the importance of lymph drainage to eliminate toxins from the body.


The results are quite amazing, particularly if it is undertaken within a short time of the injury occurring.

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