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Modern Reflexology

Duopody Reflexology

Duopody is a modern and unique form of Reflexology, where two (duo) feet (pody) are worked simultaneously and methodically together, and the reflex points reflect each organ and system within the body.  Treating both feet at the same time stabilises our energy and diverts our mentally overactive energy back to our feet, helping us to become more "grounded".


Working each system means that as a Duopodist I am able to develop a treatment plan specific to your individual needs, rather than a "one treatment fits all sequence" approach.  First treatments includes a full health and wellbeing consultation, followed by a bespoke personalised treatment plan, the treatment, then  aftercare and de-briefing. Subsequent sessions can be tailored to your budget, time and individual needs, from 30 minute sessions to 2 hour sessions.



Duopody for Stress

Modern Reflexology approach of working the body systems

There are many physical and psychological responses to stress on the body. The physical response to stress may affect all of the systems in the body in the following ways:


  • Skeletal system – body tension can cause skeletal aches and pains​

  • Muscular system – stress can cause tension in muscles resulting in aches and pains

  • Nervous system – stress can cause pins and needles, panic attacks, fatigue, an inability to concentrate and memory problems

  • Respiratory system – stress can cause hyperventilation

  • Digestive system – stress can cause constipation, diarrhoea, IBS, indigestion, heart burn and stomach ulcers

  • Endocrine system – arguably the most affected system in the body. The hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal link produces the heightened reactions throughout the body

  • Cardiovascular system – stress can cause heart problems and high blood pressure

  • Reproductive system – stress can cause menstrual changes, loss of libido and sexual problems

  • Urinary system – long term stress can cause bladder incontinence

  • Lymphatic and Immune systems – stress can reduce white blood cells lowering protection against illness and disease

  • Integumentary system – stress can cause rashes and skin irritations


In addition to the physical response to stress, there are many psychological responses - namely feeling anxious, depressed, unable to concentrate or make simple decisions, becoming forgetful and easily distracted.


People suffering with stress can become emotional, experience mood swings, feel angry and irritable. They can become overly sensitive to criticism and can be defensive. Often people with stress feel as if they have no time for themselves, they have trouble sleeping and can become reliant on alcohol, caffeine or smoking. They can become workaholics or contrastingly be absent from work more often. It is therefore imperative to look at ways to reduce stress levels. Reflexology is a wonderful way to relax, alleviate everyday stress and tension and revitalise the body and mind.


There are many articles and research papers on the effects of reflexology.

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